Saturday, September 22, 2012

How I found a Gangnam Style Costume

How I found a Gangnam Style Costume

First, a little bit of background.

I first got into the Gangnam Style phenomenon during the first week of August.  My cousins in South Korea sent it to me and despite my inability to speak the language; born and raised here as I am; I felt a connection.

It wasn't just the words.  It was the colors, the outlandish style and the dancing movements.  This goes totally against what current mainstream music videos show.

I was floored by the video.  No matter what I did, I couldn't get the song out of my head.  But why would I want to?  It was just too good!

I kept watching the music video at least three times a day since I got exposed to it.  I watched as it slowly made it's climb in YouTube views and was rooting it to hit the 100 million mark, and then the 200 million mark.  Then as it exploded into the Western world it dawned on me what I must do.

Go as PSY for Halloween!

Only problem was that I wasn't about to shell out over a hundred dollars for a velvet tuxedo jacket.  The more precise the jacket I found online, the more expensive.

Lets face it.  The economy isn't doing so well, so I sought out other options.

Option 1:  Search the local thrift shops for something that matches

I went to 3 stores in the local area, and 5 in nearby cities.  Some of these places are massive and for some strange reason, nothing is as cheap as you'd think it would be.  Why would I pay a lot of money for USED clothes?  So what did I find?  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.

Option 2:  Search the local thrift shops for something that could be modified.

So not to waste an opportunity, I tried to find anything that I could modify into making a decent Gangnam Style costume.  Again, this didn't produce anything.  Even the bow ties I found were all clip on.  That wasn't authentic enough for me.  It had to be the proper style, tie it yourself bow tie.

Option 3:  Find something at the costume store that can be augmented.

Alright.  So this is where I've seen different types suggested online.  There's the dumber and dumber blue tuxedo outfit, and another cheesy blue tuxedo with horrendous blue shiny material around the lapels.  Granted, it's an option, but I've bought and worn store bought costumes before.  It never fits right and it always makes me feel stupid for buying them.  I wasn't about to buy something I "KNEW" I would not like.

There are even some instructional videos that show people purchasing this option and taping electrical tape around the edges.  Hey, as long as you rock it and you enjoy it, you should follow this option.  Total cost is like $40 to $50 for something I would personally be happy with.

Option 4:  Find one online for a reasonable price

So I went to a few sites and there's one boasting about their "Made in Korea" authentic PSY jackets.  Okay. It can't hurt to check out.  After a few clicks I soon found out they were based out of San Francisco, CA.  Okay, that's cool.  A lot of sweet stuff comes out of there.  They would even bundle the coat with sunglasses, ruffle shirt and bow tie.  Awesome right!?!

Then it hit me.  Not a single picture on the sight showed the actual product.  It was all screen grabs of PSY either from the Gangnam Style video or from his numerous and recent public appearances.  Uhm... What about the product?  I know what PSY wears, but I don't know what they're selling exactly.

The package claims a Tuxedo, Ruffle Button Up Shirt, Psy Sunglasses, Bow Tie and all for about a hundred dollars.  Hmmm... $100.00 may be worth considering.  I might be desperate enough.  Here's the problem though...

Official Thierry Lasry sunglasses are expensive.  The actual PSY ones are worth $200.00 to $450.00.  Some are even more expensive.

Yeah, no.  I'm not buying this unless I see some pictures that aren't ripped off from another website.  Nice try!  Kudos for your efforts really.  Thank Goodness I put my credit card information away.  I was *that* close to hitting enter.

Option 5  Make one from scratch

So I learned early on in life that I can not sew.  I am like the Iron Born from George R.R. Martins' Game of Thones.  Instead of their family words of, "We do not sow" for me it's more, "I do not sew."

Despite this well known fact, I made my attempt on my sister's sewing machine.  I am now the proud owner of a Gangnam Style cloth lunch bag.  Yes, that's how badly I mangled it.  Apparently you're not suppose to sew the sleeves shut, nor while they're both stuck together in a desperate attempt to save time.  I thought I knew what I was doing.

So where the Hades was I going to find a 70s style baby blue tuxedo?

Option 6 Get an adult to make you one!

So that's where my friends and family come in.  One of the core Ferengi rules is that business exploitation begins at home. *Forgive my Star Trek references :)*

My friend Loki's been sewing for approximately 10 years. She has created Halloween costumes, medieval clothing and accessories and has recently ventured in to Victorian as well as more modern costume design.   Hmmm... This is definitely resource that I could exploit that was also a friend.   I think I found a winner!

She immediately found the project interesting and took to tackling it.

Check out what she made at


It's blue, it's true, it's the signature jacket that everyone will see and shout, "Gangnam Style!"   Then bust out the dance moves as you walk down the street.  Forget the party store jacket that barely fits, or the costume jacket that has electrical tape all over it.  Don't overpay for something that looked ridiculous before you even get it modified.  What  you want is the cool, the smooth, properly sized signature blue tuxedo jacket.

Baby blue is the bold choice, but that's the Gangnam Style way.  This tuxedo jacket is trimmed in a darker color around the lapel and faux flap packets.  The outline lends to the comic-book appeal to this ensemble and it's perfect for all your action packed dancing needs.

Look like a hero.  Dance like a hero.


I actually went out to a club and everyone I met went nuts over it.  It's weird when everyone runs up to you and starts to do the Gangnam Style Dance.  People bought me shots.  I had my picture taken A LOT! And I have to say, some of this attention I got was not bad at all.  I won't mind doing this again next weekend.

Yes.  You can get the exact coat I have at

Yep.  It's handmade and not a single person was giving slave wages to make it and at least it's made in North America.  Loki's Wardrobe at Etsy is a friend of mine, I admit.  But she does some sweet work and it won't cost you an arm and a leg.  Some of the things online boasting about their jackets won't even show you the real thing.  They'll just show you pictures of PSY and let you imagine what you'll get.

So if you go over to the Loki's Wardrobe shop, you won't be disappointed.  She'll even throw in a proper bow tie.  Yeah.  I actually had to learn how to tie a proper bow tie knot.

For those that order early on, there are some sweet sunglasses that get tossed in there for free.

Like Dr. Who said, "Bow ties are cool!"

Winner: YOU!

It doesn't matter where you get Gangnam Style costume.  It doesn't matter if you paid a lot or a little for it, or if it's made of cardboard.  What matters is that YOU like it.  YOU rock it.  And that YOU live the Gangnam Style to the fullest.

Keep following me here in my blog and learn more about my Gangnam Style Adventures.